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“Making Family” by Watching Series during Family Reconfigurations: Relational Issues for Teenagers at the End of Secondary School

Tatiana Daligault

Research Framework: Research into the use of screens at home reveals family dynamics in the organization and sharing of viewing audiovisual content. With their specific characteristics, series can support the individual and family trajectories.

Objectives: The main objective of this article is to understand the relational issues involved in watching series between members of the household during family reconfigurations, which include recompositions and people moving out, for adolescents who are at a transitional stage in their life course.

Methodology: The article is based on the qualitative phase of a longitudinal survey that was conducted in France and French-speaking Belgium, with a cohort of 57 adolescents at the end of their secondary education at the start of the research protocol. It includes six waves of semi-structured interviews (N = 194) that were carried out over a year and a half.

Results: Watching series with the family bears symbolic implications for teenagers during family recompositions, following the death of a parent or, more often, parental separation, with the introduction of sole or alternating custody. In this context, whether or not to watch series with a step-parent marks the integration or their refusal of this new family member. Audiovisual encounters ensure that family ties are maintained during these periods, whether by the teenagers interviewed or by a member of their adelphia.

Conclusions: Far from being limited to entertainment, family viewing of series at specific moments in family trajectories symbolizes the strength of the bonds between family members.

Contribution: Through its longitudinal approach, which takes account of family reconfigurations, this article contributes to a better understanding of the issues and fluctuations in the importance attached to cultural practices between family members.

