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Youth Migration: What Forms of Mobility? What Forms of Anchorage? The Positioning of Family Links and Intergenerational Relationships

Emmanuelle Maunaye

These days, geographic mobility has become a normal standard and taken on a truly mandatory character. In our multipolar and far-reaching world, moving elsewhere is no longer a right: it has often become a real obligation. Where young people are concerned, mobility is presented as an asset that allows one to open up to the world, to enrich one’s life thanks to new experiences, to face up to and deal with otherness and, finally, to build up one’s own individual characteristics. Effectively, migratory practices amongst young people are statistically significant and have tended to grow over these past decades. In such a context, the family plays an important role and is a major factor as concerns youthful migration. An important role because it is through the resources it may provide (economic, material, emotional) that it supports the young on their pathway. And a major factor too since juvenile mobility leads to the separation of the generations. This also requires readjustment of intergenerational relationships and a review, by the young people, of the meaning of their family ties and of their affiliations.

