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Collaborative Practices: New Fetishism or Renewed "Praxis" in the Field of Children's Mental Health? The Need for a Halt in the Moment of the Senses

Lena Diamé Ndiaye, Myreille St-Onge

This article offers a re-reading of collaborative practices as a new approach to recognizing the concept of « being together and working together » in the field of children’s mental health. Our objective is theoretical, not empirical, and our main objective is to spark reflective thinking with respect to collaborative practices, beginning with social services as a discipline based on egalitarian exchange, i.e. providing leverage for joint action by the professions at the child’s bedside. We are also suggesting a pause that will allow us dispense with current dogma and review these concepts as child-centered collaborative practices. The article contains four subdivisions, each one with different objectives. Initially we will be looking at children’s mental health as a field to be defined within a theoretical area and offering essentially collaborative practice. The second subdivision has allowed us to explore a new semantic approach to the concepts of collaboration and partnership. The third part presents the social service as an interface in the issue of child-centered collaborative practices. The fourth part illustrates collaborative work by structuring the framework of procedural practice within the field of children’s mental health.

